             March 2010


Hello, Educators Guild Members!

Do you have a student in your classroom who is working years beyond age peers in a particular subject?  Do you have a neighboring middle school, high school, or college?  If so, dual enrollment may be an option to consider for your gifted students. Dual enrollment occurs when a student is enrolled in two levels of schooling simultaneously.  While the term is most commonly applied to high school students concurrently taking college courses, dual enrollment can also be a viable option for students of any age across the board, such as a 4th grader attending the middle school for 7th grade math and science, or a homeschool student attending the high school for AP Government and AP Chemistry.  Application of credits varies depending on the state, district, and individual schools; however, it is a very cost effective way to challenge your brightest students. 


Here are a few useful articles and resources on dual-enrollment. As always, if you have any questions or if we can help with implementation, please do not hesitate to contact us at:


Dual Enrollment: The Right Challenge

Dual Enrollment Where Does Your State Stand?

Dual Enrollment Programs

Dual Enrollment Resources

The Benefits of Dual Enrollment


Creativity is seeing what everyone sees and

thinking what no one has ever thought.
— Albert Einstein




If students are enrolled in two schools at once, they will miss out on experiences with peers in their grade.

Dual enrollment is likely to create the opportunity for students to engage with two different groups of friends. They will be able to interact with same-aged peers as well as like-minded peers, which creates more opportunities for that student to develop friendships. Since these students do have such intense interests, the ability to engage with older students about their interests will likely create a deeper connection with these peers.






THINK Summer InstituteDavidson Institute Updates


2010 THINK Summer Institute Applications Available                                                    

Final application deadline March 31, 2010

To download an application or to learn more about THINK, please click here


Davidson Young Scholar Applications Available

If you would like to learn more about the Young Scholars Program, or if you would like to download an application, click here. 

Davidson Academy of Nevada 2010-2011 School Year

Applications Available

Extended application deadline: May 21

For more information, please visit the Davidson Academy website or feel free to check out the upcoming tour dates here.    




Davidson Institute’s Educators Guild

9665 Gateway Drive, Suite B, Reno, Nevada 89521
Phone: 775-852-3483 Fax: 775-852-2184
Email:     Web:

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